
Atomo provides a handy wrapper for the Haskell Text.PrettyPrint system. The documentation here is largely based off of its own.

Pretty  Object

Provides a ton of intelligent pretty-printing functionality.

o pretty  Pretty

Turn an object into a pretty-printed document, which can be used in other pretty-printers. This is defined on Object, so everything has it, but you should override this if possible.

Pretty-printing a value should yield something that looks like the expression that created that value. If it cannot be pretty-printed cleanly, make it obvious, usually via surrounding some description with angle brackets (<>).


> 1 pretty
> (1 -> 2) pretty
1 -> 2
x doc  Pretty
  | x is-a?: Block

Used for writing pretty-printed forms; basically a shortcut for @(Pretty join: x).


> { char: $c <+> int: 10 } doc
c 10

Documents From Values

Pretty char: c  Pretty
  | c is-a?: Character

A document of height and width 1, containing a literal character.


> Pretty char: $x
Pretty text: s  Pretty
  | s is-a?: String

A document of height 1 containing a literal string.

Satisfies the following laws:

text: s <> text: t == text: (s .. t)
text: "" <> x == x, if x is non-empty

The side condition on the last law is necessary because text "" has height 1, while empty has no height.


> Pretty text: "hello!"
Pretty zero-width-text: s  Pretty
  | s is-a?: String

Some text, but without any width. Use for non-printing text such as a HTML or Latex tags.


> Pretty zero-width-text: "hello!"
Pretty int: x  Pretty
  | x is-a?: Integer

Shortcut for text: x show.

Pretty integer: x  Pretty
  | x is-a?: Integer

Same as int:.

Pretty float: x  Pretty
  | x is-a?: Double

Shortcut for text: x show.

Pretty double: x  Pretty
  | x is-a?: Double

Same as float:.

Pretty rational: x  Pretty
  | x is-a?: Rational

Shortcut for text: x show.

Simple Shortcuts

Pretty semi  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $;.

Pretty comma  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $,.

Pretty colon  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $:.

Pretty space  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $ .

Pretty equals  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $=.

Pretty lparen  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $(.

Pretty rparen  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $).

Pretty lbrack  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $[.

Pretty rbrack  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $].

Pretty lbrace  Pretty

Shortcut for char: ${.

Pretty rbrace  Pretty

Shortcut for char: $}.

Wrapping Documents

Pretty parens: p  Pretty
  | p is-a?: Pretty

Wrap p in (...).


> { parens: (text: "hi!") } doc
Pretty brackets: p  Pretty
  | p is-a?: Pretty

Wrap p in [...].


> { brackets: (text: "hi!") } doc
Pretty braces: p  Pretty
  | p is-a?: Pretty

Wrap p in {...}.


> { braces: (text: "hi!") } doc
Pretty quotes: p  Pretty
  | p is-a?: Pretty

Wrap p in '...'.


> { quotes: (text: "hi!") } doc
Pretty double-quotes: p  Pretty
  | p is-a?: Pretty

Wrap p in "...".


> { double-quotes: (text: "hi!") } doc

Combining Documents

Pretty empty  Pretty

The empty document, with no height and no width. empty is the identity for <>, <+>, \\ and \+\ and anywhere in the argument list for sep:, hcat:, hsep:, vcat:, fcat:, etc.


> Pretty empty

(Just a blank line.)

p empty?  Boolean
  | p is-a?: Pretty

Is the document p empty?

a <> b  Pretty
  | a is-a?: Pretty
  | b is-a?: Pretty

Beside. <> is associative, with identity empty.


> { (char: $e) <> (integer: 42) } doc
a <+> b  Pretty
  | a is-a?: Pretty
  | b is-a?: Pretty

Beside, separated by a space, unless one of the arguments is empty. <+> is associative, with identity empty.


> { (char: $e) <+> (integer: 42) } doc
e 42
Pretty hcat: ps  Pretty
  | ps is-a?: List

List version of <>.

Pretty hsep: ps  Pretty
  | ps is-a?: List

List version of <+>.

a \\ b  Pretty
  | a is-a?: Pretty
  | b is-a?: Pretty

Position a above b, except that if the last line of the first argument stops at least one position before the first line of the second begins, these two lines are overlapped.


> { text: "hi" \\ (text: "there") nest: 1 } doc
> { text: "hi" \\ (text: "there") nest: 5 } doc
hi   there

\\ is associative, with identity empty, and also satisfies:

(x \\ y) <> z == x $$ (y <> z), if y is non-empty
a \+\ b  Pretty
  | a is-a?: Pretty
  | b is-a?: Pretty

Position a above b, with no overlapping. \+\ is associative, with identity empty.


> { text: "hi" \+\ (text: "there") nest: 1 } doc
> { text: "hi" \+\ (text: "there") nest: 5 } doc
Pretty vcat: ps  Pretty
  | ps is-a?: List

List version of \\.

Pretty sep: ps  Pretty
  | ps is-a?: List

Either hsep: or vcat:.

Pretty cat: ps  Pretty
  | ps is-a?: List

Either hcat: or vcat:.

Pretty fsep: ps  Pretty
  | ps is-a?: List

"Paragraph fill" version of sep:.

Pretty fcat: ps  Pretty
  | ps is-a?: List

"Paragraph fill" version of cat:.

p nest: n  Pretty
  | p is-a?: Pretty
  | n is-a?: Integer

Nest (or indent) a document by a given number of positions (which may also be negative). nest: satisfies the laws:

x nest: 0 == x
(x nest: a) nest: b == x nest: (a + b)
(x <> y) nest: a == x nest: a <> y nest: a
(x \\ y) nest: a == x nest: a \\ y nest: a
Pretty empty nest: a == Pretty empty
x <> y nest: a = x <> y, if x is non-empty

The side condition on the last law is needed because empty is a left identity for <>.


> { (text: "hello!") nest: 4 } doc
a hang: b indented: n  Pretty
  | a is-a?: Pretty
  | b is-a?: Pretty
  | n is-a?: Integer

Shortcut for Pretty sep: [a, b nest: n].


> { (text: "one") hang: (text: "two" \+\ text: "three") indented: 1 } doc
delim punctuate: ps  Pretty
  | delim is-a?: Pretty
  | ps is-a?: List

Intersperse delim through ps.

That is, x punctuate: [p1, ... pn] is [p1 <> x, p2 <> x, ... pn-1 <> x, pn].


> { semi punctuate: [text: "a", text: "b", char: $c] } doc
[a;, b;, c]


p render &mode: @page &line-length: 100 &ribbons-per-line: 1.5  String
  | p is-a?: Pretty

Renders the document as a string.

Valid settings for mode:




with zig-zag cuts


no indentation; infinitely long lines


all on one line


> (1 -> $1) pretty render
"1 -> $1"