l at: index → any | l is-a?: List | index is-a?: Integer
Returns the list's value at index
. If the index is out of bounds, @(out-of-bounds: index for-list: l)
is raised.
l at: index put: v → List | l is-a?: List | index is-a?: Integer
Yield a new list with the value at index
replaced with v
. If the index is out of bounds, @(out-of-bounds: index for-list: l)
is raised.
l head → any | l is-a?: List
Returns the first value of the list. If the list is empty, @empty-list
is raised.
> [1, 2, 3] head 1
l last → any | l is-a?: List
Returns the last value of the list. If the list is empty, @empty-list
is raised.
> [1, 2, 3] last 3
l init → List | l is-a?: List
Returns all but the last value of the list. If the list is empty, @empty-list
is raised.
> [1, 2, 3] init [1, 2]
l tail → List | l is-a?: List
Returns all but the first value of the list. If the list is empty, @empty-list
is raised.
> [1, 2, 3] tail [2, 3]
l from: start to: end → List | l is-a?: List | start is-a?: Integer | end is-a?: Integer
Returns the slice of elements from start
to end
of l
. If the range is invalid, @(invalid-range: @(from: start to: end) for-list: l)
is raised. A range is invalid if either start
or end
are negative, or if either are out of the list's boundaries.
l take: n → List | l is-a?: List | n is-a?: Integer
Returns a list of the first n
values of the list. If n
is greater than the list's length, it returns as many as it can (i.e., the entire list); the length of the returned list will not always be n
l drop: n → List | l is-a?: List | n is-a?: Integer
Returns a list of the values after n
values have been dropped from the start of the list. If n
is greater than the list's length, it returns an empty list.
v replicate: n → List | n is-a?: Integer
Returns a list containing v
replicated n
> "Odelay!" replicate: 5 ["Odelay!", "Odelay!", "Odelay!", "Odelay!", "Odelay!"]
l reverse → List | l is-a?: List
Returns a new list, with all values of l
, in reversed order.
> [1, 2, 3] reverse [3, 2, 1]
l map: a → List | l is-a?: List | a responds-to?: @call:
Returns a new list, with call:
sent to a
with each value in l
x zip: (... ys) &zipper: @id → List | x is-a?: List | zipper responds-to?: @call:
"Zips" up the lists x
and ys
. If zipper
is not @id
, it is call:
ed with each zipped value as an argument.
The list it returns is as long as the shortest list.
l take-while: p → List | l is-a?: List | p responds-to?: @call:
Takes values from list l
while p
called on them yields True
> [1, 3, 4, 5, 6] take-while: @odd? [1, 3]
l drop-while: p → List | l is-a?: List | p responds-to?: @call:
Removes values from list l
while p
called on them yields True
, returning a list of the remaining values.
> [1, 3, 4, 5, 6] drop-while: @odd? [4, 5, 6]
l filter: p → List | l is-a?: List | p responds-to?: @call:
Returns a list of all values in l
that satisfy the predicate p
l reduce: b → any | l is-a?: List | b responds-to?: @call:
Alias for l tail reduce: b with: l head
. If the list is empty, @empty-list
is raised.
> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] reduce: @* 120
l reduce: b with: v → any | l is-a?: List | b responds-to?: @call:
Reduces the list to a single value by "folding" over it, with v
as the initial value.
l reduce-right: b → any | l is-a?: List | b responds-to?: @call:
Similar to reduce:
, but right-associative. If the list is empty, @empty-list
is raised.
l reduce-right: b with: v → any | l is-a?: List | b responds-to?: @call:
l concat → List | l is-a?: List
Reduces a list by appending all of its values. The list's values must all be lists.
l maximum → any | l is-a?: List
Reduces a list with max:
. The list must not be empty.
> [1, 2, 3] maximum 3
l minimum → any | l is-a?: List
Reduces a list with min:
. The list must not be empty.
> [1, 2, 3] minimum 1
l all?: p → Boolean | l is-a?: List | p responds-to?: @call:
Checks if all values in l
satisfy the predicate p
l any?: p → Boolean | l is-a?: List | p responds-to?: @call:
Checks if any values in l
satisfy the predicate p
l contains?: v → Boolean | l is-a?: List
Check if v
is a member of the list l
> "abc" contains?: $a True > "abc" contains?: $d False
v in?: l → Boolean | l is-a?: List
Alias for l contains?: v
l push: v → List | l is-a?: List
Yields a new list with
added to the end of v
> [1, 2, 3] push: 4 [1, 2, 3, 4]
l split: delimiter → List | l is-a?: List | delimiter is-a?: List
Split a list into sublists, separated by delimiter
. Note that strict equality (i.e. equals?:
) is used for matching the delimiter.
l split-on: o → List | l is-a?: List
Split l
into sublists, breaking on every occurrence of o
. Also uses strict equality.
l sort → List | l is-a?: List
Returns a sorted list of l
's values, using the mergesort algorithm. It does this by sending >
to determine the larger between two values.