String Formatting

Atomo provides printf-like string formatting extended with the power of Common Lisp's FORMAT system (with a different but directly translateable syntax).

To create a Formatter object, you use the f macro-quoter.


> f{foo bar} is-a?: Formatter

A Formatter object is a pre-parsed formatting string. Because it's a macro-quote, any parse errors are caught at macroexpansion time, rather than when it's used.

Like Python, we use the % operator for sending values to this Formatter and getting a formatted String back.


> f{%s} % "foo"
> f{%.2f: %s} % (10.579, "ten point something")
"10.58: ten point something"
> f{%0.4f} % 5.6


Formatters use % as their special character, and some use any of [](){} for wrapping their arguments. Thus, you may occasionally have to escape these, which can be done with a backslash.


> f"\%" % ()
> f"%l(\(FoO\))" % ()

There are various flags you can use to individually modify the behaviour of the following formatters. The rules are as follows:

(number), #

A numeric flag. The # shortcut means "the number of remaining inputs", and acts as if it were a number flag.


> f"%10s" % "hello"
"hello     "
> f"%#s" % ("hi", 1, 2, 3)
"hi "
> f"%#s" % ("hi", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
"hi    "

A "precision" flag, named for its use in floating-point formatters. This flag is also used for %r.


> f"%.2f" % 1.567
> f"%10.2f" % 1.567
"      1.57"

Zero-pad flag, which must precede either a numeric or a precision flag.


> f"%05d" % 10
> f"%010.2f" % 10.50
,, +, *, =, <, >, and ?

Various symbols with special meanings for whatever formatter they're paired with.

Basic Formatters

These basic formatters render a value to the string, with flags to control padding and alignment. See Alignment.


Format a string.


> f"%s" % "hello!"

Format an integer in decimal notation.


> f"%d" % 10

Format an integer in hexadecimal notation.


> f"%x" % 10

Format an integer in octal notation.


> f"%o" % 10

Format an integer in binary notation.


> f"%b" % 10

Format an integer with a radix specified by a "precision" flag, which must be between 2 and 36.


> f"%.32r" % 62

Format a double in decimal floating-point notation. The number of decimal points to show is controlled by a precision flag.


> f"%f" % 12.345678
> f"%.2f" % 12.345678

Format a double in scientific notation. The number of decimal points to show is controlled by a precision flag.


> f"%e" % 12.345678
> f"%.2e" % 12.345678

Format a double in decimal or scientific notation. The number of decimal points to show is controlled by a precision flag.


> f"%g" % 12.345678
> f"%.2g" % 12.345678
> f"%g" % 12345678901234567890.123456
> f"%.2g" % 12345678901234567890.123456

Format a character.


> f"%c" % $a

Format any value, converting it to a string via as: String.


> f"%a" % "hello!"
> f"%a" % $a
> f"%a" % (1 -> $a)
"1 -> $a"

Format any value, converting it to a string via show.


> f"%v" % "hello!"
> f"%v" % $a
> f"%v" % (1 -> $a)
"1 -> $a"


The basic formatters above support various flags for controlling padding and alignment.

Numeric formatters align to the right by default.


Pad to a given width.


> f"%10s" % "hello!"
"hello!    "
> f"%5d" % 10
"   10"

Pad with 0 rather than spaces. Usually used for numbers.


> f"%05d" % 10
> f"%010s" % "hello!"

Align left.


> f"%<10s" % "hello!"
"hello!    "
> f"%<5d" % 10
"10   "

Align right.


> f"%>10s" % "hello!"
"    hello!"
> f"%>5d" % 10
"   10"

Centered horizontally.


> f"%=10s" % "hello!"
"  hello!  "
> f"%=5d" % 10
"  10 "


The %p formatter is used to pluralize a word based on an integer input. The basic form is %p(foo), where foo is the word you want pluralized if the input is not 1.


> f"%p(cat)" % 0
> f"%p(cat)" % 1
> f"%p(cat)" % 2

A > flag will cause it to peek ahead, grabbing the number without consuming it.


> f"%>p(cat): %d" % 0
"cats: 0"
> f"%>p(cat): %d" % 1
"cat: 1"
> f"%>p(cat): %d" % 2
"cats: 2"

The pluralization is by no means comprehensive. It knows about basic rules, but should it fail for your word you can provide your own plural form in a second pair of parentheses.


> f"%p(person)" % 2
> f"%p(person)(people)" % 2

Case Conversion


Converts the formatted contents to lowercase.


> f"%l(FoO %s)" % "HELLO!"
"foo hello!"

Converts the formatted contents to uppercase.


> f"%u(FoO %s)" % "HELLO!"

Capitalizes each word in the string. Note that the words are converted to lowercase before capitalization.


> f"%c(FoO %s)" % "HELLO!"
"Foo Hello!"

A numeric flag may be provided to limit the capitalization to a certain amount of words.


> f"%1c(FOO bar %s)" % "BaZ"
"Foo bar BaZ"
> f"%2c(FOO bar %s)" % "BaZ"
"Foo Bar BaZ"

Skipping & Indirection


Skips an input value. With a numeric flag, it skips a certain number of inputs. With the < flag, it skips backwards.


> f"%_%d" % (1, 2, 3)
> f"%2_%d" % (1, 2, 3)
> f"%d,%<_%d" % (1, 2, 3)
> f"%d,%d,%<2_%d" % (1, 2, 3)

"Splices" a formatter given as an input, followed by the formatter's inputs as a list.


> f"%%" % (f"%d", [1])
> f"%%" % (f"%d, %d", [1, 2])
"1, 2"

With a * flag, it uses the rest of the main inputs as the spliced formatter's inputs.


> f"%*%" % (f"%d", 1)
> f"%*%" % (f"%d, %d", 1, 2)
"1, 2"

Iteration & Breaking

This type of formatter, the basic form being %{...}, iterates over a list, formatting the iteration's contents for each of its values.


> f"%{%a, }" % [1, $a, "hi"]
"1, $a, hi, "

A break, %^, can be used to stop the formatting when it's at the end of the iteration.


> f"%{%a%^, }" % [1, $a, "hi"]
"1, $a, hi"

Various flags are supported:


Iterate over the rest of the inputs.


> f"%*{%a%^, }" % (1, $a, "hi")
"1, $a, hi"

Treat each value being iterated over as a list of the inputs for its iteration.


> f"%.{%a, %a; }" % [[1, $a], [2, $b]]
"1, $a; 2, $b; "

Note that when using this flag, %^ breaks based on the sublist's inputs; it will not break the entire iteration. For this you must use %.^.


> f"%.{%a, %a; %^%a, }" % [[1, $a], [2, $b, "dos"], [3, $c, "foo"]]
"1, $a; 2, $b; dos, 3, $c; foo, "
> f"%.{%a, %a%.^; }" % [[1, $a], [2, $b], [3, $c]]
"1, $a; 2, $b; 3, $c"

Always iterate at least once. This is often used with Conditionals to output something if there are no values.


> f"%+{%#[empty](%d%^, )}" % [1, 2, 3]
"1, 2, 3"
> f"%+{%#[empty](%d%^, )}" % []

Limits the number of iterations.


> f"%2{%d, }" % [1, 2, 3]
"1, 2, "

Note that a limit of 0 overrides the + flag. Also, %^ will not be triggered when it reaches the limit; it always waits for the end.


> f"%0+{hi}" % []
> f"%2{%d%^, }" % [1, 2, 3]
"1, 2, "


A conditional formatter looks like this: %[...]+(...)?, where + means one or more and ? means optional. The required portion is the branches, and the optional portion is the default.

By default, using a conditional consumes an integer input, and uses that to decide what to format. If it's 0, it formats the first branch, if it's 1 the second, and so on. If it goes out of the range of the branches you've provided, it formats the default, or if there is no default, nothing is formatted.


> f"%[zero][one](two or more)" % 0
> f"%[zero][one](two or more)" % 1
> f"%[zero][one](two or more)" % 2
"two or more"

A numeric flag can be used to determine the branch (or default) to format. Using a number will be a bit useless, forcing it to always format one branch, but using # is very useful. See Syntax.


> f"%0[zero!]" % ()
> f"%0[zero!]" % 1
> f"%#[zero][one](two or more)" % ()
> f"%#[zero][one](two or more)" % 1
> f"%#[zero][one](two or more)" % (1, 2)
"two or more"

With a ? flag, the conditional is expects a boolean input, and one or two branches. With one branch, its contents are formatted only if the input is True. With two, it acts like a "if-then-else".


> f"%?[hi]" % False
> f"%?[hi]" % True
> f"%?[hi][bye]" % False
> f"%?[hi][bye]" % True


Justifying multiple format segments to a given with can be done via a numeric flag and the %j(...)+ form, where + means one or more segments. The numeric flag is the width to justify to, and each segment is a block of text to justify after formatting.

With two segments, they are justified to the left and right, respectively. As a special case, justifying one segment is aligns it to the right.


> f"%20j(one)(two)(three)" % ()
"one    two     three"
> f"%30j(one)(two)(three)(four)(five)" % ()
"one  two   three   four   five"
> f"%25j(foo: %s)(bar: %d)(baz: %c)" % ("hi", 1, $x)
"foo: hi   bar: 1   baz: x"

If the number given is smaller than the width of the combined segments, they are just concatentated.


> f"%10j(hello)(goodbye)" % ()

Three flags are supported for controlling the spacing. These override the defaults mentioned above.


Add spacing before the first segment.


> f"%<20j(one)(two)(three)" % ()
"   one   two   three"
> f"%<20j(one)(two)" % ()
"       one       two"
> f"%<20j(one)" % ()
"one                 "

Add spacing after the last segment.


> f"%>20j(one)(two)(three)" % ()
"one   two   three   "
> f"%>20j(one)(two)" % ()
"one       two       "
> f"%>20j(one)" % ()
"                 one"

Add spacing before and after the first and last segments. This is equivalent to providing both < and > flags.


> f"%=20j(one)(two)(three)" % ()
"  one  two  three   "
> f"%=20j(one)(two)" % ()
"    one     two     "
> f"%=20j(one)" % ()
"         one        "
> f"%<>20j(one)(two)(three)" % ()
"  one  two  three   "
> f"%<>20j(one)(two)" % ()
"    one     two     "
> f"%<>20j(one)" % ()
"         one        "